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[line]] Monday Dec 25, 1871 [[line]]
30.157 Ther. 35, min. 33. Cloudy with rain and a severe SE wind.

[[line]] Tuesday Dec. 26 [[line]]
Bar. 30.200. Ther. 37. Min 35. Wind easterly, fresh, cloudy. Wind blows almost a gale during day. Make arrangements about eval.
[[line]] Wednesday Dec. 27 [[line]]
Bar. 30.153. Ther. 36. min 34. Wind light easterly. cloudy with passing showers of rain and sleet. P.M some snow.
[[line]] Thursday Dec. 28 [[line]]
Bar. 29.918. Ther. 32 Min. 29. Wind none cloudy with light snowfall. Ice forming on small harbor. To get mean temperature of sea water commence to observe with Miller Casella Therm hanging it over the stern with six fathoms of line every night continuing the surface observations, last night the Casella read 40°. water in early am was 37 at the surface. To get an approximation to the max. temp. of the air, hang up one of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Casella therm at the tide guage. Guage seems to stick somehow when the water is on the rise. Go to Spithead in P.M and attempt to measure over the base line with 
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[image-horizontal drawing of peninsula or the body of water-Spithead?]]

Spithead to 
A Edge of water W side spit 120 fms.
B Near " [[ditto for: edge]] 4 paces """" [[dittos for: water W. side spit]] 100 fms
Walk in from A 14 paces to escape water Spit abt 50 ft wide here. 
C ditto line not straight in wate up & down at each end six or 10 feet _ 120 √
D on top of spit to point on E beach 10 paces across spit at 90 fms- beach 120 fms√
E along east beach 120 fms.
F """ [[dittos for: along east beach]] 190 fms√
go in 10 paces to escape water
G on top of spit 1/3 across 120 fms 
Ulakhta 89 fathoms.

[[column of numbers indicating equation]]
5673. ft

[[new column of numbers indicating equation]]

Transcription Notes:
fms = abbreviation for fathoms. Geographical names checked: Dec. 28: line 16 under Dec. 28: Spithead. Right hand page: Spithead; Ulakhta. To aid searchability and future readability I've added a gap between [[strikethrough]] text [[/strikethrough]]