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shall set it up. Wind increases to a gale in P.M. Barom rises to 29.140

[[line]] Tuesday Jan 23 [[line]]
Bar. 29.900 Ther. 39. Min 33. Max 39  Morning early calm & quiet cloudy with a little rain.  Gale ceased early in A.M. wind S1.  Later fresh breeze with showers of rain at short intervals cloudy & half clearly starts P.M. go down in search of the rock reported by Mr. Bailey, but the water is so high that we don't find it  Evening ther. 38. Barom. 30.100.

[[line]] Wednesday Jan. 24 [[line]]
Morning Gale from E & SE with snow.  Bar. 29.585. Ther. 38.  Max 40. Min 34  Later changes to rain.  Moderates a little in afternoon. Go ashore & set up tide guage but as some weights are lost do not get it running. Bar. 29.252 Ther. 36. Evening raining hard

[[line]] Thursday Jan 25 [[line]]
Bar. 29.602. Ther. 31 Max 34. Min 30  Go to bench mark to establish height of water at new tidal station. The bench mark was 4 feet six inches above the water at the time the signal
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Bottom of floor to bottom [[scantling?]] 8 in
Bottom [[scantling?]] to mark      23 in

Transcription Notes:
scantling is most likely correct,nautical term etc