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[[line]] Friday. Feb 2.1872 [[line]]
Bar. 29.962.  Ther. 35.5. Max 38 Min 33.  SE wind high in squalls  rainy & cloudy.  P.M. more moderate, rainy.  Evening Barom goes up to 30.065.

[[line]] Saturday Feb. 3 [[line]]
30.060. Ther. 36.5 Max 37. Min 33.  Rainy.  Wind ESE.  P.M. attempt telemeter obs. but am driven in by squalls of rain  & wind which has camber to ENE.  Bar. 30.050

[[line]] Sunday Feb. 4 [[line]]
Bar. 29.802. Ther. 36. Max 37. Min 32.  
Wind E by S fresh. Cloudy, rainy & snowing.

[[line]] Monday Feb. 5 [[line]]
In the low tide of the 3rd I observed that the end of the reef out of water off Rocky Point Δ was in line with Ulakhta & the church or the next warehouse bay and the new store of HK & Co and Spithead.  The reef off ΔD -see Feb. 1.- Bar. 29.520 SE stormy with rain & hail.  Ther. 36. Max 37. Min 33.  Rumbling noises from Akutan Volcano one with a slight Jar - during day.  Evening half a gale SE, rain &c  Bar. 29.442 wind canting more Northerly
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49 men
56 women

52 men
47 women

24 men
23 women

31 men
30 women

[[Pontasofsky? Pratasofsky?]]
51 men
55 women

27 men
25 women

87 men
109 women

Paul Bay
60 men
70 women
9 men
15 women

Transcription Notes:
Place name guesses are based on Alaska geographic dictionaries. Geographic names checked, ones with ? not verified: Ulakhta, Spithead, Akutan volcano, Biorka, Akhun, Avatanak, Tigalda, Aliaska, [[Pontasofsky? Pratasofsky?]], Morzhofsky?, Belkoffsky, Paul Bay, Perigromnoy?? camber = direction/angle