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______Sunday Feb 18,1872________
Bar.29.442. Ther.18. Max 20.
Min 16. Wind strong NW. with
snowsqualls every few minutes
Night driving snowstorm.

______Monday Feb.19_________
Bar. 29.378 Ther. 16. Max 18
Min. 15 Wind north strong
with heavy snow storm. Cloudy.
Telemetric & chain measurement
to date amount to 72.233.245 m
or 38.9 miles geographical.
Evening wind even higher in squalls
stormy. Bar.11 P.M. 29.100 N and W

______Tuesday Feb. 20_________
Morning stiff NW & W wind with squalls
of snow. Cloudy. Bar. 29.062 Ther. 19.
Max.20    Min.15     4 P.M. Bar
28.900 Heavy fall of snow & high
wind. 11 P.M. Bar. 28.944 wind

______Wednesday Feb. 21________
Ther.28.980. Ther.20. Max. 20. Min. 17
Wind very strong west, with blinding snow.
2 P.M. wind more southerly Bar. 29.024
11 P.M. Wind W. more moderate " [[ditto for: Bar.]] 29.100

______Thursday Feb 22__________
Wind W more moderate   Ther. 19 Max
22. Min 18. Bar. 29.320. Snow squalls
at intervals
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