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-----Friday Feb. 23. 1872 -----
Ther. 20. Max 26 Min 18.
Bar 29.350. Wind lt NW with light snow fall - continuing all day 10 P.M. Bar. 29.200

-----Saturday Feb. 24 -----
Bar. 29.125 Ther. 16. Max 18 Min 16
Strong NNW wind cloudy with snow Archimandritoff calls attention to the rocks in Akutan Pass & off Cape Kalekhta 1/2 mile on Tebenkoff's chart Tanaga or the island west of it, is wrong in longitude as the bearings do not connect. There are several islands in the Shumagin group which - are not down on any chart - also one to the east of Nagai - Lat. 54.49.30
Lon 157.38, 45 miles east of Seminoffsky seen by Capt May (?). 
The pass of Amukhta is 36 miles wide on the chart of Tebenkoff Archim. says it is 46 miles wide The natives report a good harbor on Semisopochnoi 20 - some say there are rocks between Bogoslova & Umnak on which the surf breaks in windy weather, but cannot say definitely - Hennig says not he has sounded close to Umnak & the volcano
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[[The note below is linked across to line in last paragraph on preceding page. The line linked to it is: "harbor on Semisopochnoi 20-"]]
- Hennig says a poor harbor with the passage to it dangerous from bad tide rips & rocks.

Transcription Notes:
Geographical names checked: Feb. 24: Akutan Pass; Cape Kalekhta; Tanaga; Shumagin group; Nagai; Seminoffsky; Amukhta; Semisopochnoi; Bogoslova; Umnak (in lines 22 and 27/last line under Feb. 24). Other personal names checked: under Feb. 24: Archimandritoff/Archim.; Tebenkoff's/Tebenkoff; under Feb. 24, line 26 - Hennig. Also, first line on right hand page: Hennig