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[[line]] Thursday Mar. 21, 1872 [[line]]
Ther. 33. Max 49. Min 32. Bar 29.450. Morning cloudy, wind very light, variable. 10 A.M clears, day very fine - clear & calm. Obs. [[of?]] sun for time & getting ready for sea.

[[line ]] Friday Mar. 22, 1872 [[line]]
Morning Ther. 34 Max 38 Min 32 Bar. 28.972 Raining & snowing hard wind squally E later, moderates a little but continues squally all day.  P.M. bar. 28.800 Wind lt S. nearly clear

[[line]] Saturday Mar. 23 [[line]]
Ther. 38, max 42 Min. 37 Bar. 29.150 Cloudy wind SW afterward W Reef off Kalekhta in one with NE end Unalga bearing East.  Priest rock bearing S reef bears SW Kalekhta portage bears ENE [[concavity?]] S E head Kalekhta bay & W to Constantine Bay with portage from Unalga bear SW by W.1/2 W
Two heads of Kalekhta Bay in line W Rock off    Island outside of the pillar not on chart.  Sailed at 8 A.M. for Coal Harbor Unga Id for a load of coal.  Go through Unalga Pass.  10 P.M. Bar. 29.500
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[[image - 2 landscape views. Triangle/rock? on both is marked a, below second a is ESE]]
[[image label:]] Vesolova bearing WSW 1/2 W

Transcription Notes:
Geographical names checked: Mar 23: Kalekhta/Kalekhta Bay/Kalekhta portage; Constantine Bay; Unalga; Priest Rock; Coal Harbor; Unga Id; Unalga Pass Label for drawing on right hand page, name not verified: Vesolova??