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Bar. 29.050. Ther. 42. Stand on until wind freshens & comes on thick & rainy when stand off S by W to avoid running on to the land in case of a S-easter. about 2 P.M sight land in NW & stand toward it, but see little until 3.30 P.M when it clears and we see two small island rocks or tops of peaks [[image - small drawing of two rocks/peaks]] bearing WNW. Cannot identify them and taking three sets of observations find we have been swept by the current more than sixty miles to the westward.  PM pretty clear.  Clouds up after sunset & bar sticks at 29.075 up to 7 P.M.  Remain on deck all night and sight Unga about 2 a.m of
[[line]] Saturday Mar. 30th [[line]]
and shortly after make Nagai.  Beat until 4.30 A.M. and then stand in, past Delaroff Harbor west of Popoffsky through the narrow passage between that island and Unga.  In the straits after passing the sand-spit, the channel is in a direct line from the end of the latter to the outer end of the small island between Popoffsky & Unga. There is a
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[[image - small drawing of rocks above water]]
[[strikethrough]] S [[/strikethrough]] W By S 3 miles
rocks off Unga

Transcription Notes:
Geographical names checked: Unga. Mar. 30: Nagai; Delaroff Harbor; Popoffsky; Unga. Right hand page: Unga