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min ceases and I go out and repair various signals which have suffered from the weather.  Eveing SW wind fresh. with rain. 29.490

[[line]] Thursday May 9 [[line]]
Ther. 46. 53. 38. Bar. 29.440.  Cloudy with a little rain, calm  Finish soundings in small harbor P.M. Telemeter observations on the reef near D and on the East side of South Amaknak Straits.  It begins to rain about 3.30 P.M. but we continue at work till 4.30. P.M. wind light NW. Bar. 9. P.M. 29.425.

[[line]] Friday May 10 [[line]]
Ther. 36. 49. 43. Bar. 29.380  Cloudy, foggy, with fine rain.  wind light NW. Rain continues all day.  P.M. wind W. lt. 9 P.M. Bar. 29.720

[[line]] Saturday May 11 [[line]]
Ther. 36. 52. 41. Bar. 29.820  A.M. cloudy light S wind.  P.M. half clear. Fresh SE wind. Telemeter observations on Unalashka and S Amaknak rocks, occupy the day.  9 P.M. bar. 29.870

[[line]] Sunday may 12 [[line]]
ESE storm with snow, rain & heavy squalls  Ther. 37. 42. 35. Bar. 29.270.  Noon moderates, and finally dead calm, cloudy 28.950
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Transcription Notes:
Geographical names verified: May 9: Amaknak Straits. May 11: Unalashka and S Amaknak rocks.