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1315 (2) [[strikethrough]][[underline]]Alsine nutans[[underline]] Raf.[[strikethrough]] Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard Old field N. of Beverley, 1 mile 5-3-36 [[underline]]Cerastium longipedunculatum Muhl.
Begin[[note in margin]]

1316 [[strikethrough]]Rhododendron nudiflorum (L.) Torr.[[strikethrough]] woods N. of Beverley 1 mile - Bull Run Mts. Full bloom. H.A. Allard = Azalea nudiflora L.

1317 (1) [[underline]]Fragaria virginiana[[underline]] Ducheane Bull Run Mts: May 3, 1936. field 1 mile N. of Beverley. Full bloom H.A. Allard

1318 (3) Lycium halmifolium Mill. around old house site 1 mile N. of Beverley. Escaped here: May 3, 1936. full bloom H.A. Allard

1319 (1) Potentilla pumiola Poir. Bull Run Mts. H.A. Allard. 1 mile N. of Beverley, in woods and fields. May 3, 1936 Full bloom

1320 (1) Viola [[strikethrough]][[underline]]cucullata[[underline]] Ait[[strikethrough]] papilionacea Pursh. Bull Run Mts. Moist ground 1 mi. N. of Beverley. H.A. Allard: common & in full bloom. May 3, 1936

1321 (3) Sassafras variifolium [[strikethrough]](Salisb.) Ktze.[[strikethrough]] Kuntze Bull Run Mts. May 3, 1936. H.A. Allard 1 mile N. of Beverley common: full flower past flower in Wash DC.

1322 (1) Potentilla pumila Poir. Bull Run Mts. May 3, 1936. H.A. Allard Moist ground 1 mile N. of Beverley. Full bloom [[end page]]

[[start page]]1324 (3) Geranium maculatum L. Bull Run Mts. May 3, 1936. 1 mile N. of Beverley: wooded slope. Common: just coming into flower. H.A. Allard

1325 (1) Ranunculus [[underline]]hispidus[[underline]] Michx. Bull Run Mts May 3, 1936 H.A. Allard 1 mile N. of Beverley. in woods. just coming into bloom: scattered over slopes in woods.

1326 (1) Carex laxiculmis Schwein Bull Run Mts. In woods 1 mile N. of Beverley: common In mid bloom. H.A. Allard (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1327 (1) ? [[strikethrough]]Juncoides campestre echinatum (Small) Coville & Blake[[strikethrough]] Bull Run Mts May 3, 1936 woods 1 mi. N. of Beverley. H.A. Allard. full flower. Luzula echinata (Small) Hermann Ident. by F.J. Hermann

1328 (3) Uvularia perfoliata L. At iron pipe in spring 1 mile N. of Beverley - full bloom Bull Run Mts May 3, 1936 H.A. Allard

1329 (2) [[strikethrough]]Saxifraga virginiensis Michx[[strikethrough]] 1 mile N. of Beverley. edge of woods: passing bloom Bull Run Mts May 3, 1936 H.A. Allard = [[underline]]Micranthes virginiensis[[underline]] (Michx.) Small

1330 (1) Potentilla canadensis L. Field 1 mile N. of Beverley Full flower: in woods also Bull Run Mts May 3, 1936 H.A. Allard

1331 (1) Taenidia integerrima (L.) Drude Woods on slope 1 mile N. of Beverley. Just in flower Bull Run Mts, May 3, 1936 H.A. Allard common = Thaspium barbinode (Michx.) Nutt

1332 (1) Zizia cordata (Walt.) DC. woods 1 mi. N. of Beverley: just in flower. Bull Run Mts: May 3, 1936 H.A. Allard common in woods.