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Robinia pseudoacacia L. Eastern slope
 near Chestnut Lick. Prince William Co.,
 May 10, 1936: full blool. H.A. Allard   e
1387       [[blue]]//[[/blue]]
(3)       Bull Run Mts.

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Krigia [[strike]]dandelion [[/strike]] (L.) Willd Eastern slope
1388    viginica
  near Antioch - dry soil. banks by roadside. 
 (1) May 10 1936. H. A. Allard; full bloom   e
   common.  On Triassic Area  Bull Run Ntss

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1389 [[strike]]Cares[[/strike]]
     [[strike]] Antennaria[[/strike]] = Eleocharis capitata (L.) R. Br.
   small, [[?]]: moist soil on Triassic Area,
[[strike]]4[[/strike]]   (1) near Antioch, Prince William Co., 
   May 10, 1936; H. A. Allard
 (Ident. by F. J. Hermann) Eleocharis [[strike]] tenius (Willd) Schultes[[/strike]]
           Bull Run Mts     e

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1390 Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. 
  (1) Dry banks, Triassic Sea Area near
   Antioch, Prince William Co, May 10, 1936
   H.A. Allard: Full bloom - mid flowering stage
          Bull Run Mts

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1391 Ranunculus hispidus Michx.    
 (1) moist woods, eastern slope near   e
    Chestnut Lick, May 4, 1936 - full bloom
    H. A. Allard  Prince William co.
               Bull Run Mts

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1392 Chionanthus virginica L Moist woods
 (4) eastern slope near Chestnut Lick, Prince
   William Co: full bloom: May 10, 1936
   H. A. Allard: common here      e
           Bull Run Mts

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1393  Hypoxis hirsutas (L.) Coville.
 (1) Open woods near Chestnut Lick, May 10, 1936
 Bull Run Mts full bloom: common. Prince William Co.  e
  H. A. Allard   Bull Run Mts

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1394 Potentilla canadensis L H. A. Allard
 (2)  Open woods near Chestbut Lick, eastern slope
     Prince William Co; May 10, 1936; full bloom

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1395 Carex -   wet woods near Chestnut Lick.
 (4) Bull Run Mts, eastern slope, Prince William Co., 
   May 10, 1936: full bloom. H. A. Allard     e
   = C. [[strike]] striatula Michx. (Ident. by F. J. Hermann)
         blanda  Dewey

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Osmunda regalis L., moist woods,
eastern slope, Bull Run Mts, Prince William Co.,
May 10, 1936: H. A. Allard.
1396           e

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 Galeorchis specrabilis (L.) Rydh. Bull Run Mts.
1397 Rich woods near head  H. A. Allard
     of Chestnut Lick: full bloom: local
 (1) Extremely [[?]] to dry the banks, not common
    all other material dry. initially still green
     damp[?] May 25, 16[[overwrite 9]]36

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1398 Viola papilionacea Pursh. Bull Run Mts
     Head of Chestnut Lick in  May 10, 1936
(1)  rich woods.                H. A. Allard e
     Eastern slope. Prince William Co., 

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1399 [[strike]]same loc[[/strike] Carex [[strike]]rosea var. radiata Dewey[[/strike]]
 (1) same loc. and data as #1398    e
     common =[[underline]] C. retroflexa Mush. 
              (Ident. by F. J. Hermann)

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1400 Carex prasina Wahl. 
 (4) same loc. and data as #1398   e
     common in woods.
           (Ident. by F. J. Hermann)

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1401 Carex [[strike]] straminae Willd. [[/strike]]
 (1) same loc. etc as #1398         e
     Common damp soild in woods. 
        = C. festucacea Schkuhr. 

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1402 Ranunculus hispidus Michx
 (1) same loc. etc. as #1398         e

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1403 Viola triloba Schein
 (2) same loc as #1398              e
     rich woods damp soil

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1404 [[strike]] Azalea nudiflorum [[strike]] (L.) Torr. 
 (2)  [[strike]]Rhododendron[[/strike]]
     same loc. etc as #1398        e
    wooded slope. = Azalea nudiflora L. 

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