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1405 (1) Carex rosea [[strikethrough]]var. radiata Dewey
Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard May 10, 1936
Wet woods near head of Chestnut Lick. Eastern slope, Prince William Co.. = C. rosea Schkuhr. (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1406 (1) Carex [[underline]]rosea[[underline]] [[strikethrough]]var. radiata Dewey[[strikethrough]]
Same loc. etc as # 1405 damp swampy ground in woods. = C. rosea Schkuhr. (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1407 (2) Carex [[strikethrough]]anceps Muhl[[strikethrough]]
Same locality etc as # 1405. Rich wooded slope: common. = (C. striatula Michx. (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1408 (2) Hepatica triloba Choix
Same locality etc as # 1405 wooded slope (dry)

1409 (2) Thalictrum dioicum L.
Same locality as 1405. Moist woods - Common. Past flowering May 10, 1936

1410 (2) Ranunculus hispidus Michx.
Same loc. as # 1405 wooded slopes, common Full bloom May 10, 1936

1411 (4) Carex prasina Wahl.
Same loc. etc, as # 1405 wet woods: common (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1412 (1) Graminae.
Same loc. as # 1405 - wooded slope - = Sphenopholis nitida (Spreng.) Scribn

1413 (1) Botrychium virginianum (L). SW.
High up damp slope at head of Chestnut Lick, Bull Run Mts: May 10, 1936. H.A. Allard A very large colony, the finest I have every seen, was located here,[[end page]]

[[start page]] 1414 (7) Graminae = [[underline]]Sphenopholis[[underline]] nitida (Spreng.) Scribn
Same loc. as # 1413 - on drier wooded slope above Just in bloom or coming[[?]]: scattered in small clumps here and there: local

1415 (1) Carex - [[strikethrough]] [[?]] nigro-marginata Schwein[[strikethrough]]
Same loc. etc. as for # 1413. Rocky slope: common
= C. [[strikethrough]]anceps Muhl[[strikethrough]] = C. striatula Michx (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1416 (2) = Sphenopholis nitida (Spreng.) Scribn Graminae:
Same loc. etc as # 1413 - Rocky woods: very scattered.

1417 (1) Carex. nigro-marginata Schwein,
Same loc. as for # 1413. Dry, rocky slopes, (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1418 (1) Graminae - [[underline]]Sphenopholis nitida[[underline]] (Spreng.) Scribn
Same loc. as for # 1413 Dry, rocky woods - scattered, local in very small clumps.

1419 (2) Rubus procumbens Muhl.
Dry woods on rocky slopes. Above head of Chestnut Lick, common: Full bloom May, 10.
Bull Run Mts May 10, 1935 H.A. Allard

1420 (2) Carex pennsylvanica Lam
Same loc. in every way as # 1419. common (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1421 (1) Viola pedata L.
Same loc. as # 1419 Dry, rocky wooded slope. Past flowering

1422 (8) Carex [[strikethrough]]emmonsii Dewey[[strikethrough]]
SAme loc. as # 1419 Dry, rocky wooded slope: common: past flowering = [[underline]]C. artitecta[[underline]] Mack (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)