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1423 (1) Viola pedata L.
Dry rocky woods above head of Chestnut Lick - past flowering
Bull Run Mts. H.A. Allard May 10, 1936

1424 (1) Carex [[strikethrough]]anceps Muhl[[strikethrough]]
Same loc. as # 1423 Dry, rocky woods.
= C. striatula Michx (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1425 (1) [[strikethrough]]Smilacina[[strikethrough]]Vagnera racemosa (L.) [[strikethrough]]Desf.[[strikethrough]]Morong
Same loc, as # 23 (rather moist loc. on wooded slope. Common. Full bloom.

1426 (2) Carex [[strikethrough]]rosea Schk.[[strikethrough]]
Moist woods in same loc. as # 1423 Common = [[underline]]C. convoluta[[underline]] Mack (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1427 (1) Botrychium virginianum L. Swan
Damp woods at very head of Chestnut Lick. in Bull Run Mts, eastern slope, Prince William Co., May 10, 1936, H.A. Allard Some large colonies here: spores not yet shedding.

1428 (1) Osmunda cinnamomea L.
At issuing of spring to form head of Chestnut Lick, (same loc. as # 1427) Common: Full flower.

1429 (2) Robinia pseudoacacia L.
Pasture at fooot of Chestnut Lick at road: Full bloom. May 19, 1936 HA. Allard: Bull Run Mts: common

1430 (3) Crataegus crus-galli L
In pasture near Chestnut Lick - on left of mountain road: May 10, 1936 Large tree H.A. Allard: Bull Run Mts. Aphids turned flowers pink: full flower and shedding petals.

1431 (3) Paulownia tomemtosa (Thunb.) [[strikethrough]]Steud[[strikethrough]] Baill. ?
Pasture near Thorn tree of # 1430. Full bloom May 10, 1936. [[end page]]

[[start page]] 1432 (1) Taraxacum erythrospermum Andrz.
Red-seeded: woods near old house-site Bull Run Mts. near Chestnut Lick, May 10, 1936. Eastern slope, Prince William Co.

1433 (5) Carex [[strikethrough]]striatula Michx[[strikethrough]]
Moist ground - same locality as # 1432 around old house site, and abundant here. Full flower.
= [[underline]]C. blanda[[underline]] Dewey (Ident. by F.C. Hermann)

1434 (1) Graminae - = [[underline]]Sphenopholis nitida[[underline]] (Spreng.) Scribn.
Same locality as # 1432.

1435 (1) [[underline]]Potentilla canadensis[[underline]] L
Woods beyond Chestnut Lick, Bull Run Mts, May 10. 1936, H.A. Allard Full bloom

1436 (1) Veronica arvensis L.
Same loc. as # 1432 Common here.

1437 (2) Carex striatula Michx
Same loc. as # 1432 - Shaded woods that grew all around the old chimney. (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1438 (8)[[written over original entry]] [[underline]]Prunus serotina[[underline]] Ehrh.
Several miles S. of Aldie by roadside, Bull Run Mts, May 10, 1936. H.A. Allard Full bloom.

1439 (1) Crataegus rugosa Ashe
Same loc. as # 1438 (Some C. crus-galli L

1440 (1) Viburnum prunifolium L.
Beside Crataegus and Prunus in same loc. as # 1438