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1441 (3) [[Lepidium campestre (L.) R.Br.[[strikethrough]]
Roadside, same loc. as # 1438 Common passing flower. = Lepidium campestre (L.) R.Br.

1442 (2) antennaria plantaginifolia (L.) Richards
Roadside - dry bank, near old mansion near Antioch. May 10, 1936 H.A. Allard - Bull Run Mts. (small leafed form) past flowering: becoming old,

1443 (3) [[underline]]Antennaria virginica[[underline]] var [[argillicola]] Stebbins according to S.F. Blake.
Same loc as # 1442, and intermingled with it intimately. Bull Run Mts: Triassic Sea Area - near old mansion

1444 (5) Barbarea vulgaris R.Br.
Allard's garden, Clarendon, Va May 11, 1936

1445 (4) Poa pratensis L.
Allard's garden, May 11, 1936

1446 [[strikethrough]]([[?several numbers written over each other]]) (3) Graminae Poa trivialis L
Allard's garden & grounds, Clarendon, Va May 11, 1936

1447 (4) Poa pratensis L
Graminae - Allard's garden, Clarendon, Va May 11, 1936

1448 (9) Poa [[palustris]]pratensis L
Graminae. Allard's garden. Clarendon, Va: May 11, 1936

1449 (11) Graminae
Allard's garden, May 14, 1936 Clarendon, Va. = Poa pratensis L [[end page]]

[[start page]] 1450 (3) Rosa multiflora Thunb.
Apparently an escape running over the country side near Rapidan Station, Va., Culpepper Co., Full bloom May 15, 1936 H.A. Allard. Common everywhere.

1451 (3) Carex [[strikethrough]]complanata Torr.[[strikethrough]] [[underline]]bushii[[underline]] Mack
On slope of Mt. Pony, a diabase stack 1 ½ mi. S. of Culpepper, Culpepper Co., Va. May 15, 1936. H.A. Allard (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1452 (2) Carex [[strikethrough]][[underline]]granularis[[underline]] Muhl.[[strikethrough]]
On slope of Mt. Poney, near Culpepper, 1 ½ mi. S., Culpepper Co., Va: May 15, 1936 H.A. Allard = [[underline]]C. glaucodea[[underline]] Tuckerm. (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1453 (3) Carex [[strikethrough]]complanata Torr[[strikethrough]] = [[underline]]C. hirsutella[[underline]] Mack.
On wooded slope of Mt. Perry. 1 ½ mi. S. of Culpepper, Culpepper Co., Va. May 15, 1936 H.A. Allard. in dense woods on slope, (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1454 (1) Carex [[strikethrough]]emmonsii Dewey[[strikethrough]]
Same loc. as # 1453 - H.A. Allard, 5-15-36 = [[underline]]C. artitecta[[underline]] Mack (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1455 (2) Carex [[strikethrough]]laxiculmis Schwein[[strikethrough]]
Same loc. and date as # 1453 H.A. Allard = (C. platyphylla Carey (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1456 (1) Carex [[strikethrough]]emmonsii Dewey[[strikethrough]]
Same loc. & habitat as # 1453, 5-/15,36 H.A. Allard = [[underline]]C. artitecta[[underline]] Mac,.

1457 (2) = 2 Ranunculus recurvatus Poir.
Same loc. & habitat as # 1453 H.A. Allard

1458 (1) Ranunculus allegheniensis Britton
Same loc. and habitat as # 1453. damp woods; not abundant.