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1495 (1) Graminae. Festuca obtusa Spreng.
On wooded slope of Mr, Pony, 1 ½ mi. S. of Culpepper, Culpepper Co., Va., a large[[?]] diabase stack, May 15, 1936 H.A. Allard

1496 (2) Ranunculus recurvatus Poir
Same loc, habitat etc., as for # 1495

1497 (1) Graminae.
Same loc. habitat etc., as for # 1495
[[underline]] Festuca obtusa[[underline]] Spreng

1498 (1) Carex [[strikethrough]]anceps Muhl[[strikethrough]]
Same loc., habitat etc., as for # 1495
= [[underline]]C. laxiflora[[underline]] Lam (Ident by F.J. Hermann)

1499 (1) Carex [[strikethrough]]emmonsii Dewey[[strikethrough]]
Same loc., habitat etc.m, as for # 1495
= [[underline]]C. artitecta[[underline]] Mack (Ident by F.J. Hermann)

1500 (1) [[underline]]Dioscorea[[underline]] glauca Muhl
Same loc. habitat etc., as for # 1495 H.A. Allard

1501 (1) Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir.
Same loc., habitat etc as for # 1495

1502 (1) Carex [[strikethrough]]anceps Muhl.[[strikethrough]]
Same loc. habitat etc as for # 1495
- C. laxiflora Lam. (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1503 (1) Carex amphibola Steud
Same loc. habitat etc. as for # 1495 (Ident by E.C.L.) [[end page]]

[[start page]] 1504 (1) Carex [[strikethrough]]anceps Muhl[[strikethrough]] = C. laxiflora Lam
Same loc. & habitat etc as for # 1495 (Ident by F.J. Hermann)

1505 (1) Osmorhiza [[strikethrough]]longistylis (Torr.) DC.[[strikethrough]]
Same loc. & habitat as for # 1495 Common = [[underline]]O. claytoni[[underline]] (Michx.) Britton

1506 (3) Carex amphibola Steud.
Same loc. habitat etc., as for # 1495 (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1507 (1) Cynoglossum virginianum L
Same loc. habitat etc as for # 1495

1508 (1) Carex [[underline]]complanata Torr[[underline]]
Same loc. & habitat as for # 1495 = [[underline]]C. hirsutella[[underline]] Mack (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1509 (1) Graminae,
Same loc. habitat etc as for # 1495 = Sphenopholis nitida (Spreng.) Scribn.

1510 ([[strikethrough]]2[[strikethrough]]1) Botrychium virginianum (L.) S[[?]]
Same loc. habitat etc as for # 1495 Common here, old[[?]] fine growth.

1511 (2) Ranunculus bulbasus L.
In meadow where very common, yellowing the low grounds - near Culpepper, Va. May 15, 1936, H.A. Allard Now in mid bloom.

1512 (2) In yard of Mr. Humphrey Leonard at head of Chestnut Lick, Bull Run Mts. May 17, 1936. H.A. Allard
Graminae. = Poa pratensis L