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1567 (2) [[strikethrough]]Physocarpus[[strikethrough]] Opulaster opulifolius (L.) Kuntze
Roadside of road N. across R.R. just below Beverley, Bull Run Mts May 24, 1936. H.A. Allard. full bloom: abundant

1568 (2) Barbarea [[strikethrough]]vulgaris[[strikethrough]] verna (Mill. Aschers,
by R.R. at Beverley Mill, Bull Run Mts., May 24, 1936. H.A. Allard. Past flowering long.

1569 (2) Carex. Wood road N. across R.R. just below Beverley Mill, Bull Run Mts: May 24, 1936 H.A. Allard
= C. rosea [[strikethrough]]var. radiata Dewey[[strikethrough]] = C. rosea Schkukr. (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1570 (3) Graminae Festuca obtusa Spreng.
Same loc. date etc as for 1569 damp spot by roadside. Bull Run Mts.

1571 (6) Poa trivialis L and Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitch and Sphenopholis intermedia (Rydb.) Rydb. Graminae
Same locality, date, habitat as for # 1570 H.A. Allard

1572 (1) [[strikethrough]]Salvia lyrata L[[strikethrough]]
Same loc. date habitat as for # 1571 H.A.A Rumex acetosella L

1573 (1) [[strikethrough]]Rhus toxicodendron var. radicans.[[strikethrough]]
Same loc. date, habitat as for # 1571 H.A.A. = Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze

1574 (1) Carex cephalophora Muhl
Same loc, date, habitat as for # 1571 H.A.A. (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1575 (2) Carex swanii (Fernald) Mack.
Same date, loc, habibat as for # 1571 - H.A.A Roadside, damp soil, woods. (Ident. by F.J. Hermann) [[end page]]

[[start page]]1576 (1) Carex [[strikethrough]]laxiflora Lam.[[strikethrough]]
Same loc, date, habitat as for # 1571 - damp woods by roadside H.A.A = [[underline]]C. blanda[[underline]] Dewey (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1577 (1) Carex [[strikethrough]]laxiflora Lam.[[strikethrough]]
Same loc, date, habitat as for # 1571. H.A.A = [[underline]]C. blanda[[underline]] Dewey low ground, woods. (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1578 (2) [[underline]]Carex blanda[[underline]] Dewey.
Same date, loc, habitat as for # 1571 - H.A.A low grounds, woods (Ident by F.J. Hermann)

1579 (1) Houstonia purpurea L
wooded bank, on rod N. across R.R. just below Beverley, Mill, May 24, 1936 H.A.A

1580 (1) Salvia lyrata L
Same loc. habitat and date as for # 1579 H.A.A

1581 4 Carex swanii (Fernald) Mack.
Same loc, date, habitat - dry wooded bank - as for # 1580. H.A.A (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1582 (2) Sisyrinchium graminoides Bicknell
Same loc, date, habitat as for # 1581 H.A.A

1583 (1) Carex swanii (Fernald) Mack.
Same date, loc. habitat etc as for # 1581 H.A.A (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1584 (1) Ionoxalis violacea (L.) Small.
Same date, loc., habitat as for # 1581 H.A.A