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The Calendars for the Latitude of Boston and Chicago
May be used for Central and Southern New England, Central
  New York, Southern Michigan, Southern Wisconsin, Northern 
  Iowa, Northern Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

   The Calendars for the Latitude of New York 
               and Philadelphia
May be used for Southern New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
  Northern Ohio, Northern Indiana, Northern Illinois,
  Southern Iowa, and Southern Nebraska.

  The Calendars for the Latitude of Washington, 
               Cincinnati, etc.
May be used for Delaware, Maryland, the Virginias, Southern Ohio, Southern Indiana, Southern Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, and Colorado.

[[centre]] THE SIZE OF THE SEAS [[/centre]]      Miles long.
Mediterranean ........................................2,000
Caribbean ............................................1,800
Red ..................................................1,400
Black ................................................  932
Baltic ...............................................  600

[[centre]] AREA OF OCEANS IN SQUARE MILES [[/centre]]
Pacific ......................................... 80,000,000
Atlantic ........................................ 40,000,000
Indian .......................................... 20,000,000
Southern ........................................ 10,000,000
Arctic ..........................................  5,000,000

[[centre]] SIZE OF THE GREAT LAKES [[/centre]]
                                     Miles long. Miles wide.
Superior ................................. 380          120
Michigan ................................. 330           60
Ontario .................................. 170           40
Champlain ................................ 123           12
Erie ..................................... 270           50
Huron .................................... 250           90
Winnipeg ................................. 240           40
Athabaska ................................ 200           20

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[[start page]]

[[image:  drawing of god Janus pouring water out of a pitcher]]
[[preprinted]] [[centre]] JANUARY [[/centre]
(In Standard Time)|                   | __________________|___________________|____________________
NEW MOON .........| 1d. 8h. 52m. A.M. | 1d.  7h. 52m. A.M.
FIRST QUARTER ....| 8d. 0h. 40m. A.M. | 7d. 11h. 40m. P.M.
FULL MOON ........|15d. 2h.  7m. P.M. |15d.  1h.  7m. P.M.
LAST QUARTER .....|23d. 6h. 53m. P.M. |23d.  5h. 53m. P.M.
NEW MOON .........|30d. 8h. 22m. P.M. |30d.  7h. 22m. P.M.
D.|Day|Local    |Boston║Local Mean Time|N.Y.║Local Mean Time
of| of|Mean Time| Tide ║               |Tide║---------------
M.|W'k|Sun |Moon|Stand.║   Sun.|Moon   |Std.║ Sun  |  Moon
  |   |R&S |R&S.| Time ║  R.&S.|R.&S.  |Time║ R.&S.| R.& S.
1 |MO.|7 30| 5 2| 11  7║ 7 25  | 5  7  |8  1║  7 19|  5 12
2 |TU.|4 39|6 19| 11 56║ 4 44  | 6 23  |8 53║  4 49|  6 27
3 |WE.|7 30|7 35|  0 21║ 7 25  | 7 38  |9 43║  7 19|  7 41
4 |TH.|4 41|8 50|  1 10║ 4 46  | 8 51  |1030║  4 51|  8 54
5 |FR.|7 30|1 04|  1 58║ 7 25  | 10  4 |1116║  7 19| 10  5
6 |SA.|4 43|1117|  2 45║ 4 48  | 11 16 |....║  4 53| 11 15
7 |SU.|7 30|morn|  3 34║ 7 25  | morn  |0 32║  7 19|  morn
8 |MO.|4 45|0 29|  4 27║ 4 50  |  0 27 |1 26║  4 55|  0 25
9 |TU.|7 29|1 39|  5 27║ 7 24  |  1 36 |2 25║  7 19|  1 32
10|WE.|4 47|2 47|  6 30║ 4 52  |  2 43 |3 27║  4 57|  2 38
11|TH.|7 29|3 51|  7 34║ 7 24  |  3 46 |4 30║  7 19|  3 41
12|FR.|4 49|4 50|  8 35║ 4 54  |  4 45 |5 32║  4 59|  4 39
13|SA.|7 28|5 43|  9 30║ 7 23  |  5 38 |6 28║  7 18|  5 32
14|SU.|4 51|6 28| 10 20║ 4 56  |  6 23 |7 17║  5  1|  6 18
15|MO.|7 27|rises 11  6║ 7 23  | rises |7 59║  7 18|  rises.
16|TU.|4 54|6  6| 11 45║ 4 58  |  6  9 |8 41║  5  3|  6 13
17|WE.|7 26|7  6|  0  4║ 7 22  |  7  8 |9 21║  7 17|  7 11
18|TH.|4 56|8  5|  0 42║ 5  1  |  8  6 |9 58║  5  5|  8  8
19|FR.|7 25|9  4|  1 18║ 7 21  |  9  4 |1032║  7 16|  9  5
20|SA.|4 59|10 3|  1 54║ 5  3  | 10  2 |11 6║  5  7| 10  2
21|SU.|7 24|11 2|  2 30║ 7 20  | 11  0 |1146║  7 15| 10 59
22|MO.|5  1|morn|  3  9║ 5  5  | 11 59 |0  6║  5 10| 11 56
23|TU.|7 23|0  2|  3 52║ 7 18  | morn  |0 51║  7 14|  morn.
24|WE.|5  3|1  5|  4 42║ 5  8  |  1  1 |1 41║  5 12|  0 57
25|TH.|7 21|2  8|  5 39║ 7 17  |  2  3 |2 37║  7 13|  1 59
26|FR.|5  6|3 11|  6 43║ 5 10  |  3  6 |3 40║  5 14|  3  0
27|SA.|7 20|4 12|  7 49║ 7 15  |  4  7 |4 46║  7 11|  4  1
28|SU.|5  8|5  8|  8 54║ 5 12  |  5  3 |5 50║  5 16|  4 57
29|MO.|7 18|5 56|  9 54║ 7 14  |  5 51 |6 51║  7 10|  5 47
30|TU.|5 11|sets| 10 49║ 5 15  |  sets |7 44║  5 19|  sets.
31|WE.|7 16|6 25| 11 38║ 7 12  |  6 27 |8 33║  7  8|  6 30
[[end of page]]

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