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night good, without insect pests [[preprinted]] Ther. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21, 1900 Wea. [/preprinted]] a brisk but very short shower at 7 am. long palaver about pack horses and until horses and men were collected it became 10.30 before we started. It began to rain in short showers the entire way until we reached the coffee plantation [[insertion]][[triple underline]]886'[[/insertion]][[/triple underline]] "Catalina"; Mr. Augostini received us very hospitably, invited us to stay and would send for guide to El Yunque, so we gladly received his invitation and sent the horses back to Mameyes. At once went collecting with very great success, R getting [[underline]]Todeas[[/underline]] and I [[?]][[?]], Amphisbaena etc. [[preprinted]] Ther. THURSDAY 22 Wea. [[/preprinted]] During the night we had a series of very hard showers with southerly wind, so that paths and everything else soaking wet so that collecting was very difficult nevertheless we got some good things. R 3 [[underline]] Nesospingus [[/underline]] and I some Amphisbaenae and a Spindalis. We are waiting for our guide having a path cleared to the top of El Yunque but while we wait here is good collecting. [[preprinted]] Ther. FRIDAY 23 Wea. [[/preprinted]] Still S.E. wind with showers and fog in the mountains rain at the plantation occasionally considerable in volume but brief. THe guide with 6 men turned up after breakfast and packing was soon accomplished, followed by a long palaver as to the best way of proceeding, and the cost of the affair, the guide going back on his original bargain as the men refused. Notwithstanding that the price was doubled the men quit and the guide is now hustling for others. Fortunately no time was really lost today, as the heavy rain was prohibitive. It cleared in the afternoon, however. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] Ther. SATURDAY FEB. 24, 1900 Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine with only heavy cloud banks on the eastern horizon. Up before sunrise, packing again, and then old guide and men appearing we started out at 7.20 am, 7 men carrying on their heads our baggage. After a very laborious ascent we finally reached our camping [[insert]] [[triple underline]] 2863' [[/triple underline]] [[/insert]] ground by the last water [[strikethrough]] shed [[/strikethrough]] beneath the steep final rise of the peak El Yunque itself, at 12 noon. Cleared a site and got our tent up, in fact made camp ready, then looked around for specimens. Was at once rewarded for the trip by finding another tree frog, undoubtedly additional and possibly new. [[preprinted]] Ther. SUNDAY 25 Wea. [[/preprinted]] cloudy during most of the day, but especially in the morning when we had some fog and showers during the night. Consequently postponed the ascent of the peak collecting around camp, but animal life is very scant and with the exception of tree frogs the collections were very meager. Set traps, but nothing but snails in them. [[preprinted]] Ther. MONDAY 26 Wea. [[/preprinted]] foggy & rainy in the morning. Temp at 1.30 am 63 degrees (corr.) at 5.30 am 62 degrees (corr.) at which time the rain commenced. It continued all day with slight interruptions making collecting impracticable, unprofitable and disagreeable. Got nothing new in my bin, but added a number of fine specimens, and described in detail the color variations of the soc. [[Hylidae martinis?]]