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[[preprinted in journal]] Ther.  SUNDAY MAR. 11, 1900   Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]] 

Tremendous rains all day, so kept indoors reading and writing. Chest is giving us both trouble. No improvement, no increased strength.
[[preprinted in journal]] Ther.  MONDAY 12 Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]] fine
cloudy in afternoon.  Had a bad coughing spell this morning, and chest hurts at full inspiration.   No added strength but I look about as normal. Appetit fairly good. Took a stroll during forenoon up into the hills back of town and after lunch R. joined in a trip in the same direction. It is hard work and hot. He got one Spindalus, I nothing.  Telegraphed Glassford for ambulance to take us off Wednesday. 
[[preprinted in journal]] Ther.  TUESDAY 13 Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]] fine
Trouble in chest not improving ; head dull; feeble. Got answer from Glassford that ambulance cannot be here in time but will be to bring us in Thursday.  Went out with R. to try some collecting; he got a [[underline]] [[C??ba]] [[/underline]] and went home. I thinking I would test my strength continued out a pine road past the new cemetery about 1 1/2 mile. The miserable ammunition prevented me from obtaining specimens. Returned very tired, with headache and considerable fever. 

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[[preprinted in journal]] Ther.  WEDNESDAY MAR. 14, 1900   Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]] fine.
Our condition unchanged. The ambulance arrived shortly before noon, and reflecting that it holds hardly more than our bagge and that we would scarcely be able to stand the jolting we decided to send it off with our boxes and to take a coach for [[strikethrough]] Rio [[/strikethrough]] San Juan tomorrow morning. The fever returned as usual about dinner time: took 10 gr. quinine

[[preprinted in journal]] Ther.  THURSDAY 15 Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]] good.
Did so in company with our host Mr. Holst and starting at 8 o'clock were able to reach Rio Piedras in time for a good lunch before the 2.42 train, so that we were in San Juan before 4 pm stopping this time at the "Mayflower". Went at once to quartermasters' wharf and accertained arrival of our goods. The trip was very tiresome, and the horses so poor that we got stalled at all the fords and had to cross Rio Grande de Lo[[strikethrough]] u [[/strikethrough]]iza in a skiff. 

[[preprinted in journal]] Ther.  FRIDAY 16 Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]] fine
First visited Major Glassford and clan and then went to [[Surg?]] Wilber, USN., Dr. charge Naval hospital here with introd. letter from Dr. [[Freyhassen?]]. He examined me very carefully and inclined to [[recognize?]] our fever as Dengue fever (I did not know that R. had had my great muscular pains, the absence of which only made Dr. W. dubious). Recommended absolute rest and toning up for sometime; otherwise all well. advised [[decisively?]] against going St. Thomass tomorrow.