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[[preprinted]] Ther. FRIDAY, MAR. 23, 1900 Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine with a shower in the early morning. Perfectly crippled by my h. so have to stay at home. Mr. David of Fajardo last night told me that he would wait to go to Culebra til Sunday when he would take the 'Longfellow', me to go with him and he promises to arrange for a boat taking us to St. Thomas, provided we could not make it in the "Blake". Tonight I learn that he went to to Culebra in a boat this morning not intending to return here but going directly back to Fajardo, thus playing us a mean trick as he could easily informed me. [[preprinted]] Ther. SATURDAY 24 [[/preprinted]] cloudy [[preprinted]] Wea. [[/preprinted]] Improving, but find it prudent not to exercise too much. Got a large number of frogs from a bog. Learn that the "Blake" has been seen going out from Culebra for St. Thomas, thus frustrating our plans. Inquiry shows that we would now have to hire a boat at not less than 25 dollars in gold and get a special permit for clearing from Gov. Gen. R. and I now held an earnest consultation finding that it would be folly to attempt further to get to Martinique this season and that I am to inform Dr. [True?]] of our decision [[preprinted]] Ther. SUNDAY 25 Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine Spent all forenoon and lots of afternoon writing to Dr. [[True?]] setting forth our reasons for abandoning this further trip and to stay in this island. Then wrote to M. to the same effect. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[Preprinted]] Ther. MONDAY, MAR. 26, 1900 Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine Bedbug! Diarrhea, from water ? H. somewhat better. After coffee went along the beach in hunt of St Lucias and after 2 hours [[limping?]] on my knees among the pebbles succeeded in bagging 4. "Longfellow" arrived this morning ! 8 c'l and proceeded to Culebra, 24 hours later than we calculated ! A smallpox case in town; Dr. Haydecker says he will notify us in case of danger of quarantine. In afternoon helped R. skinning birds. [[preprinted]] Ther. TUESDAY 27 Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine, occasionally clouded over and a very light shower.- My trip after coffee was not very successful, a bird, a couple of frogs, dragonflies etc. After lunch took camera out to [[Lebrun's?]] sugar mill and called on the owner.- In the evening a man with a sloop belonging in Tortola called on his was from Hunacao offering passage to Tortola or St. Thomas. Unfortunately it is now too late. I wish he had shown up here last Friday or Saturday. [[preprinted]] Ther. WEDNESDAY 28 Wea. [[/preprinted]]cloudy part of the time. Morning limited to a trip after lepidoptera and dragonflies; got only few. At noon learn that [[underline]] the [[/underline]] steamer will probably - or possibly - arrive here tomorrow, the [[underline]] agent [[/underline]] does not know, so must propose to get of tomorrow morning for San Juan. Later helped R. skin birds till 10 pm.-Garrison[[??]] out searching for Smith ! [[end page]]