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[[preprinted]] Ther. MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1900 Wea. [[/preprinted]] fair.
In order to loose no time in walking for miles and miles before striking decent collecting ground we decided to take a coach by the hour and then went out both before and after noon quite a distance from town with very good results as R. got quite a number of birds and I 7 species, of which one new to my collection and 8 specimens of [[underlined]] Sphaerodactylus [[/underlined]].

[[preprinted]] Ther. TUESDAY 17 Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine
   Left Ponce at 8 am in coach for [[overwrites from]] San Juan arriving at Coamo at 11.30 where we lunched.  R. then got a cablegram unsigned but apparently from Tone, dated Washington Apr. 13 asking "When is Stejneger returning". The long winding ascent on military road to Aibonito very fine as the whole road. Arrived at Cayey 4.45 pm where stopped for the night at [[strikethrough]] [[Vericuete?]] [[/strikethrough]] Venancio Vega's hotel.  Fleas!!

[[preprinted]] Ther. WEDNESDAY 18 Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine
Left Cayey at 7.30 am; ride good, road good but monotonous. Lunch in Rio Piedras at noon and arrived in hotel Mayflower, San Juan at 2 pm. after having dropped two boxes and picked up my trunk at Quartermaster's wharf.  Went first to post office where two letters from M. Then to Glassford, who was not in, but learning that this week's transport does not leave until tomorrow pm. decided to go home in it. Started out at once to make purchases and then commenced packing.

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[[preprinted]] Ther. THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1900 Wea.[[/preprinted]] clouds with showers in the morning.
    First [[strikethrough]] saw [[/strikethrough]] Maj Clem who promised transportation O.K. but told that the SS. The 'Crook' will not sail to tomorrow morning at 9am. Then to Glassford who took us to new rooms of museum, in the [["Beneficaulia"?]] and gave us permission to take a few specimens to Washington on deposit. Then to Quartermaster's wharf where we repacked, then lunch, then back again for tickets, then quarantine officer for vaccin. health certif. etc etc.

[[preprinted]] Ther. FRIDAY 20 Wea. [[/preprinted]] fair, started cloudy in S.J. with a light sprinkling but clearing at sea. 
   Got off as promised at 9 am everything O.K. Have a nice sunny airy stateroom on upper deck; this is civilization again. The "Crook" seems to be a good vessel, but she does roll! Yet I am perfectly well. Did [[Brush's ?]] S.S.C. do it? I had but little left. To noon 29 miles in 2 hr 28 min.

[[preprinted]] Ther. SATURDAY 21 Wea. [[/preprinted]] fair

Smoother; warm. Passed along Haity where mountainous outlines could be plainly seen in the morning. Ready Campbell's "Circular Notes"
Noon Lat 20°.24'; Long. 71°53' W. Dist 318m speed 13.25