Viewing page 102 of 131

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[[preprinted]] CASH ACCOUNT.  APRIL. [[/preprinted]]
[[numerical notes in top right corner]]
219  27

[[preprinted table with 4 columns; Date. (no heading) Received. Paid.]]
Mar 5-8  Richm. [[antim?]]1.81   1.09 
         sugar              5 R    03   0.03  √
         provisions        20 R    12   0.12  √
         candles           25 R&S  15   0.15  √
         eggs & oranges    18 R    11   0.18  √
B                        -------------
                           2.49    1.50
[[strikethrough]]provisions  40[[/strikethrough]] 
Richmond ret cash [[strikethrough]] 13.50 [[/strikethrough]]                 ------
                  [[strikethrough]] 15.00 [[/strikethrough]]
                           15.00    9.00  
[[horizontal line across page]]

Mar 8  Luquillo: provisions 040 R&S         0.24 √ 
    9   "[[Ditto: Luquillo]] 1qt milk 10 
                       "[[Ditto: R&S]]      0.06 √
       Frederico on acc. 1.00 "[[Ditto: R&S]]0.60√
       1 [[amphisbanae?]] Luquillo  005     0.03 √
       rent of house in Luquillo 2.50 R&S   1.50 √
       carriage from Luquillo
       to Fajardo                4.00       2.40 √
       ox-cart do do [[Ditto: Luquillo to Fajardo]]
                                 1.75       1.05 √
       handl of bagg in Fajardo    20       1.12 √
       Frederico [[taken?]] [[@?]]7.60 R&S  4.50 √
       Benito 1 1/2 days         1.50       0.90 √
       [[strikethrough]]   231 [[/strikethrough]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] CASH ACCOUNT.  APRIL. [[/preprinted]] [[strikethrough]] 231.56 [[/strikethrough]]
[[preprinted table with 4 columns; Date. (no heading) Received. Paid.]]

Mar 10 Fajard : [[VinRafad?]] ˄[[insert: R&S]]
                                1.25         0.75 √
"[[Ditto: Mar]] 12 "[[Ditto: Fajard]] 
       1 [[?]] plant  L.S.  5.40             0.24 √
"[[Ditto: Mar]] 15 "[[Ditto: Fajard]]
       handling baggage [[circled]] R&S
       [[/circled]]                          0.20 √
""[[Ditto: Mar 15]] "[[Ditto: Fajard]]
       hotel bill Richm. 13.00  R            7.80 √
       washing "[[Ditto: Richm]] 0.20
       "[[Ditto: R]]                         0.12 √
""[[Ditto: Mar 15]] """[[Ditto: hotel bill LS]]
                         13.00  LS           7.80 √
       washing "[[Ditto: LS]] 0.60 LS        0.36 √
"[[Ditto: Mar]] 15 Rio Piedras 2 [[?]]74 R&S 0.45 √
       2 coach fares from Fajardo
       to Rio Piedras  10.00                 6.00 √
       2 r.r. fares from R. Piedras
       to San Juan [[@?]] 30  60             0.36 √
       Handling of baggage S.J.  20          0.12 √
   16  [[cuveza ?]] LS.                      0.25 √
       postage LS                            0.10 √

   18  2 S.J. - Bayamon [[?]] [[circled]] R&S 
       [[/circled]]                          0.48 √
   19  postage LS                            0.11 √
       Trip to cave Pueblo Viejo 4.00 
       [[circled]] R&S [[/circled]]          2.40 √

   20  CW Richmond cash                     10.00 √
   21  Laundry, CWR. 1.00                    0.60 √
       "[[Ditto: Laundry]] LS: 1.10          0.66 √
                                           --------                                           270.16