Viewing page 11 of 21

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[[underlined]] Up Indian Creek [[/underlined]]
Nov. 27.
Sage Grouse, 5
Shrike 1
Juncos, com.
Zonitrichia 1.
Picicorvus, heard.
Cyanocephalus, heard
Colaptes cafer

" [[Ditto for: Nov]] 28 [[underlined]] Over Divide [[/underlined]]
Sage hens 2 - on divide -
Colaptes cafer 2 in
[[underlined]] Cloverdale Creek canon [[/underlined]]
Junco, abn.
Chewink 1.
Zonotrichia com
Accipiter fuscus 1.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Cloverdale Creek [[/underlined]]
Picicorvus, com -
Sialia arctica 2 (H.)
Black Hawk 1.
Cyanociphalus, flocks of 200

Nov. 29. Picicorus, abn.
Cyanociphalus in flocks of 300 or so.
Carpodacus. H. killed one. skin sent. 
Parius montanus, com. one killed.
Junco Oreganus, abn. 
Chewick 1, not ident.
Colaptes cafer, com. 
Bubo heard

Transcription Notes:
H might possibly be C. Hart Merriam? Zonitrichia possible misspelling of Zonotrichia Picicorus misspelling of picicorvus