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Dec. 11. Scolecophagus cyanocephalus, common about town.
Aegailais phoenicus, 100.
Xanthocephalus 1.
Colaptes cafer. 1.
Kinglet 1.

[[underlined]] Dec. 13. [[/underlined]] Killdeer 1.
Galinago delicata 1.
Zonatrichas, abn.
Kingfisher 1.
Geococcyx, tracks com,
Circus, 2 -
Ravens, a few -

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Lone Pine [[/underlined]], Cal. 
[[underlined]] Dec. 11.[[/underlined]] Salpinctus, com.
Zonotricha intermedia, com.
Greater Yellow legs 3. (N.)
Spoonbills 2. (N.)

[[underlined]] Dec. 17 [[/underlined]]
[[margin]] Marsh Wren. 1. (N) [[/margin]]
Sialia arctica, a [[drove?]] of 100 or more above town
Psaltriparus plumbeus, 20 in brush along creek.
Carpodacus frontalis, 12 seen in Alabamas. 
Salpinctus, com. in Mts.
Kinglets, ruby! com aong creek in caƱon
Falco mex, 2.
Circus. 1.
Aegialais phoenicus, 6. 
Pipilo megaloniax, 1. (N).

Transcription Notes:
Aegailais = Agelaius Megaloniax = Megalonyx