Viewing page 16 of 21

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Dec. 16 1 st station 6 a
" [[Ditto for: Dec.]] 17, 2 d " [[Ditto for: station]] 7a
" [[Ditto for: 17]] 7 th " [[Ditto for: station]] 13a

[[underlined]] Dec. 18 [[/underlined]] Myadestes townsendi, 1. feeding on blue berries in canon.
White cranes, 4.
Thyurothurus, 1. (n)

" [[Ditto for: Dec]] 20 Junco oregonus. com. up in Sierras.
Psaltriparius plumbeus, 6 in Mts
Dendrocea audoboni 1.
Golden Eagle 1.
Myiadestes 2.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Dec. 22 Up in Inyo Mts. [[/underlined]]
Pipilo megalonex 1.
Amphispiza. 3.
Selpinctus, com

[[underlined]] " [[Ditto for: Dec]] 23 Up Inyo Mts [[/underlined]]
Thyrothurus 1.
[[underlined]] In valley [[/underlined]]
Turdus m. propinquus 1.
Long billed Marsh Wren
Pipilo megalonex 1.

Transcription Notes:
Thyurothurus = thryothorus