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Diary No. I
Nov. 14, 1927 to Jan. 29, 1928

Nov. 14, 1927. Arrived at Suifu about two o'clock. It was necessary to go to the likin office before baggage and freight could be removed from the steamer. Several Suifu friends met me at the steamer (Chinese friends) and several long strings of firecrackers were fired off to welcome me back to Suifu. It took me until nearly dark to get all the freight and baggage up to our compound. Several Chinese friends gave needed help.

Nov. 15. Helped Mr. Lovegren get started to Kiating, then attended a big reception to parents of pupils at the Church kindergarten. For supper was invited to a Chinese feast.

Nov. 16. Sent a messenger to the Yunnan border to bring the aborigine collector and another old collector, [[red underline]] Chen Gih Uen, [[/red underline]] both of whom I hope to engage as collectors.

Nov. 17. Began unpacking the Smithsonian boxes, but was frequently interrupted by many Chinese friends who came to make friendly calls.

Nov. 18. Finished unpacking the Smithsonian boxes. The packing was evidently [[underline]] very well done [[/underline]], for everything was in perfect condition excepting that three bottles of formalin had broken. Attended another feast in a Chinese home -- in the home of an old friend. Secured my first specimens.

October 19th (sic.) Today I set my first traps for a weasel or a wildcat that has been killing rabbits at the men's hospital. I set two traps for birds, and one for rats. I intend to begin to train my Chinese taxidermist right away. I was invited to a Chinese feast at noon, and a formal welcome by the Church members was held in the afternoon. Anyone who attended that reception, if he understood Chinese, would have no doubt of the sincerity of the welcome which the Chinese have given me.
Later--We have caught a female wildcat, the first mammal.

Oct. 20 (sic.) This afternoon with the taxidermist I worked on the wildcat skin. I want to train him well now so that when on collecting trips he will do first-class work.
My best netter, Chen Ghi Uen, came around. He is now selling medicine, but will begin work collecting in about ten days.

Nov. 21. We finished the wildcat, and also a houserat. We did not do a perfect job on either of them, but expect to improve with practice. About eight of Suifu's principle business men gave a sumptuous feast to me and