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trapped on a nearby mountain and some insects.
I looked into the box where two bottles of formalin were broken en route. The packing was so well done that I do not see how they got broken. I hardly see how a better job of packing could have been done.

Dec. 4. Mailed box No. 4, snakes.

Dec. 5. Mailed box No. 5, snakes.
Thieves have been trying hard to break into two mission safes which are in another compound. They injured the safes but did not get in. It confirms my conviction that my good watchdog is much responsible for the safety of the Smithsonian collecting outfit.

Dec. 6. Today I spent the whole day collecting on the Min  River about six miles above the city. We walked all thew ay. It rained a good deal, and the rocks became slippery and the road muddy. I used the fishnets and the shotgun. I had very poor luck. There are practically no fish in the small streams. I saw some fish-ducks filling up on tadpoles!! While I was on furlough one of the rubber boots sprung a leak. My right foot was soaking wet the last half of the day. Boxes six and seven have been mailed.

Dec. 8. Today carpenters began making boxes in which to ship specimens. I expect to get quite a few made for future use. Yesterday Chen Gih Uen went off for a three days' collecting trip.

Dec. 10. Carpenters still making boxes. Chen Gih Uen returned with specimens and went off collecting again.

Dec. 11. Got boxes 9-18 ready for mailing. They contain birds, mammal bones, insects, snakes, etc.

Dec. 12. Mailed boxes 9-16.
Mammal No. 10.

Dec. 13. Spent the day on the mountains showing Chen Gih Uen how to trap small mammals. Scared up a leopard, the first wild one I have seen. I had only a shotgun and it was loaded with No. 10 bird shot, but I sent that after him.

Dec. 14. Very busy all day. With no other foreigners here, my duties are somewhat more numerous and exacting than in past years. Schools, hospitals, churchs, and the station sub-treasury all take time.

Dec. 15. The collector Chen Gih Uen came in with two wild rats. He said the small mousetraps did not seem to hold them--many of them were set off, but the rats, escaped. I gave him ten rat-traps. Mammals No. 11-12.

Dec. 16. The collector trapped mammals No. 13 and 14.