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to dip out water rapidly. Even then the issue was doubtful for a while, so I had coolies carry the Chinese women off the boat to shore on their backs. Then the bedding and baggage were carried off. We got onto another boat and went to the next wharf. Most of this was after dark, and we got to bed about twelve o'clock. We were lucky to get off safely and with dry skins and baggage. 

Jan. 4. This morning I killed two sand swallows. This afternoon with three Chinese I went overland to some pools and small creeks where I hoped some specimens might be secured. We secured lots of shrimps, three frogs, three snipes, and a small fishing bird. 
The boat I am now on was nearly sunk today in my absence. Chinese friends on the boat laid to and bailed out water until the leak was under control. The leak is now fairly well repaired. The boat ran into a hidden rock.

Jan. 5. Bad luck followed us again today. The mast was pulled down by the pulling-rope of another larger boat. It took at least an hour to fix it. Then the boat turned tail twice on a bad rapid and was in danger of smashing on the rocks. It was apparent that the boat was being poorly managed. We are told that the captain is not familiar with the river here. He has gone ashore to worship the boatman's god, Wang E [[underline]]Prisah [[/underline]] ^[[Pusah]] so as to get his help tomorrow.

Jan. 6. The boatmen lost over an hour because they tried to cross the river where it was impossible to cross. Tonight we are 20 li. from Kiating, where we should arrive about noon tomorrow.

Jan. 7. Arrived at Kiating at twelve o'clock. The foreign conference was in session in the afternoon, and I attended. In the evening a Chinese candidate for ordination was examined. I killed a gull just as we arrived at Kiating. There are no gulls at Suifu.

Jan. 8. Chen Gih Uen set his traps but secured no mammals. I hope to secure some fish tomorrow.

Jan. 9,10. Very busy days in conference with little chance to collect excepting through the collectors, who have secured some fish and many insects. I have bought a vase from an old Chinese grave, and have secured some broken Han Dynasty pottery.

Jan 11. A full day in conference. Today I had one collector in the old burial tombs. He brought back a load of broken pottery, some of which is of interest, but he secured none of the finest specimens I am hoping for. Most of them have been carried away, but there is hope that there are better specimens in some of the caves that have been closed by accident. If I go