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Collector(s): Burks, B.; Burks, K.

Verbatim Date: Oct. 15-16, 1966

Collection Date (From): Oct 15 1966

Collection Date (To): Oct 16 1966

Verbatim Locality: BOLIVIA Br. Ichilo R. Rain Forest

Country: BO


State/Province 2: Santa Cruz

County: [Not Stated]

Precise Locality: Br. Ichilo River Rain Forest




Barcode/USNMENT Number: USNMENT01050431

Other Number(s):

Label Note:

Transcription Notes:
Tried searching Ichilo River in and have ended up using Wikipedia page. I'm not sure what the "Br." abbreviation on the label stands for - I suppose it could be bridge? but in any case the river flows through several provinces and so have put in [Not Stated] in the appropriate location boxes. -@siobhanleachman