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USNM Number: 1251744

Collection Number: 40967

Collection Date: 1925-11-18 to 1925-11-24

Collectors: Standley, Paul C.

Country: PA


Territory: Provincia de Panamá


Precise Locality: Barro Colorado Island in Gatun Lake, Canal Zone



Elevation: 0 120 meters


Transcription Notes:
Provincia de Panamá is the first-order administrative division of Panama where Barro Colorado Island is located. Distrito de La Chorrera is the second-order administrative division. The "first level geographical division" would the the name of the country. When the instructions talk of the "second level geographical division" they are wanting the name of the area that is next down the scale from the country name - the territory/state etc. The help information states "The second level of geographic division inside country where the plant was collected or cultivated. If missing, leave blank. Use currently accepted name for the State / Territory. In this example, the state is "Alaska"." Hope this helps.