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                           May 17-18. 1873
Off Sannakh reefs & south of Unimak the water full of the spawn of cod. floating about six inches below the surface. 

                          May 31st 1873
Hog Id Capts. Bay appears to be composed principally of porphyrites The shoal water near the south end is a favorite haunt for sponges.
                          June 1. 1873
I found a carabus at the Astronomical station today. See very few birds yet, and those do no appear to be nesting yet. 

                         June 4. 1873
Water full of a species of Mysis (no.  ) in inconceivable myriads chased by large schools of a small fish (no. ) here called the Launce, which in turn afford a meal for the gulls & whales which we have observed chasing them in large numbers during the last few days. 
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The rocks near the Eider village are lavas, red & black. The shore is shingle - in 25 - 30 fms muddy sand yet a number of marine invertebrates of which only a bullid is recognized as unfamiliar. 

Transcription Notes:
Fms = Dall abbreviation for fathoms. Geographic names checked/verified: Sannakh reefs, Unimak, Hog Id, Capts. Bay, Eider Village Ambrosia:- very minor edits - spaces to enhance searchability.