Viewing page 5 of 48

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[[start page]]
June 19, 1873
Chichagoff. Harbor Attu.
Mya pike arenaria
Buc. cyaneum
Lit. Sitkana     modiolaria
Acmaea pelta     Argobuc..
"[[ditto for: Acmaea]] patina [[Placunani.?]]
Serripes Laperousii   no Chrysod. lyratus
many sponges on beach.
A small black petrel, gulls, white bodied albatross, white grouse 2 sp.
[[Mormon?]], shags, Uria sp. seen.
No mice on island.
Plect. nivalis & lapponicus, several snipe,
[[strikethrough]] Anser Hutchinsii & nigricans. [[/strikethrough]]

Rocks have metamorphic slates very hard with some porphyrite intruded much contorted.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Attu birds
Plectrophanes lapponicus  breeds
" [[ditto for: Plectrophanes]] nivalis  [[strikethrough]] breeds [[/strikethrough]] resident
Melospiza insignis   resident
Anorthura hyemalis var. [[alascesis?]] resident
Lagopus [[albus?]]   resident
Corvus carnivorus  resident
[[Halaestus?]] leucocephalus   resident
[[Brachyotus?]] cassini   resident
[[Mormon?]] cirrhata   resident
[[Mormon?]] [[corniculata?]] " [[ditto for: resident]]
Thalassidroma furcata breeds
" [[Ditto for: Thalassidroma]] leachii breeds
Tringa sp: breeds
Uria comumba resident
Lanis [[strikethrough]] [[leucoptern?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[glanciscens?]]resident
Rissa? tridaclyla resident
Graculus sp. resident
Somateria V. - nigra breds
Snipe with white body & dark wings.
Bernicla nigricans breeds
Anser Gambellii - passes
Murres plenty -
Uria californica
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Latin names for SECOND page need checking. Latin names checked for first page. Geographic names checked/verified: Chichagoff Harbor, Attu (& Attu birds) Good transcription help: