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[[symbol for male]]

Length 6 ft
Girth in front of dorsal 3 ft. 9 in
" [[ditto for: Girth]]behind flippers 2 ft 2 in
" [[ditto for: Girth]]at anus 2 ft 3 1/2
1 Nib to corner of mouth 3 in 1/2
2 "" [[dittos for: Nib to]] eye center 7 in
  "" [[dittos for: Nib to]] ear 9 1/2 in
3 "" [[dittos for: Nib to]] ant flip edge 11
4 post 14
5 Middle line ant corner do.[[ditto]] perp. 5
√ Eye to spout hole "[[ditto for perp.]] 4 in
√ Nib """[[dittos for: to spout hole]] Long 9 in
between centers trans flip 5 1/2

[[image - sketch of a U shaped line rotated 45 degrees counter clockwise from vertical and labeled A at the top left terminus, B at the bottom middle and C and the top right terminus]]

√ A B 8 in
√ C B 5 3/4
√ A C 3 3/4
6 Nib to white color 2 ft 3 1/2 in
7 Spouthole to ant ft of dorsal 18 1/2 in

[[image - sketch of dorsal fin, appears to be a mountain shaped line over a horizontal line - triangle shape. Horizontal line is labelled A at left terminus, B at right terminus and label C is midway. Mountain shaped line has label D at peak which is midway]] 
[[following three lines are to the right of the dorsal fin sketch:]]
DB 7 1/2 in
CD 6 in
AB 10 1/2 in
√ nib to ant end genital slit 3 ft 7 in
√ length of slit 3 in
√ do [[ditto for: length]] to anus 4 1/4
√ Anus " [[ditto for: to]] notch of flukes 22 3/4
√ Breadth of " [[ditto for: flukes]] AB 18 1/2 in

[[image - sketch of sea mammal tail flippers or flukes - porpoise from next page?. Label A is at end of left fluke. Label B is at end of right fluke. Label C is placed where flukes come together. Label D is placed where flukes join body]]
[[following two lines are placed to the right of the sketch:]]
CD 5 1/4
BD 11 in
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
narrowest pt of tail [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 1 3/4 in
height at do [[ditto]] 3 1/2 in
length of eye 3/4 in
width of spout hole 1 7/8 in
upper edge of white to level of back 7 3/4
End of white behind anus 6 in
18 in long on belly

Porpoise killed out of a school of five or six in Adakh Straits Aug.13.73
width of head at inner corners of jaws 5 1/2 in
do [[ditto for: width]] of mouth same place 4 3/4 in
do [[ditto for: width]] of head at front flippers 8 1/2 in
Depth at 1 ft before flukes 10 in
[[strikethrough]] do [[ditto for: depth]] at an end of keel [[/strikethrough]] = widest part of keel
do [[ditto for: depth]] at 8 in before flukes 7 1/2 in
navel 7 1/2 in before ant end of slit

[[image - sketch of the front portion of a porpoise. The head of the porpoise is heading down to the bottom of the page. sketch includes mouth, eye, spout hole and two flippers. Text on page partly written over the sketch]]

Transcription Notes:
Dall uses same/similar symbol for male and female, it is male if pointing up, and female if pointing down. This is clear from other notebooks/pages of his. Geographic name checked/verified: Adakh Straits Good transcription help: