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Atka - 
the beds of stratified rocks on the north side of Nazan Bay on examination prove to be highly altered beds of conglomerate or breccia composed solely of volcanic materials nearly level, dipping slightly to the NW, and at least 500 feet in thickness.  A more compact greenish flinty metamorphic rock with a similar dip but more contorted and intersected by dykes in many places is the material of which the south shores and islets enclosing the harbor are composed.
On the Korovinsky Bay side the North shore is composed of coarse volcanic breccia in nearly horizontal layers, dipping slightly to the [[strikethrough]] NWE [[/strikethrough]] Northeast and rising 1000 ft in height, above layers of ashes & solfataric clays, & cinders on the south side there is also a conglomerate composed principally however of porphyritic pebbles more or less rounded, and capped in the easter portion with the columnar syenite observed on little Kyska. Here on the beach are found fragments of silicified wood and other pieces converted into 
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[[image - drawing depicting land mass, left side marked with 'b' and vertical lines. Right side marked with 'a' and lightly drawn loops.]]
[[labels on drawing]]
b columnar syenite
a congolomerate [[/labels]]

Transcription Notes:
syenite is correct. Geographic names checked/verified: Atka, Nazan Bay, Korovinsky Bay, Little Kyska Good transcription help: