Viewing page 32 of 48

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To last Δ 61(2LC) S62W  280°.30
Rks (7)       326°.16'  S107 2/3
(6)           305.00    S81 1/2
8             328.36    N290
9             339.41    S121.
10a            19.50    N341 1/2
11             28.35 [[strikethrough]] 348 [[/strikethrough]]  349 1/3
spit          342.34    N304
spit Id        26.05    348
N Bluff        32 41     354 1/2
S " [[ditto for: Bluff]]   53.30     15
sm Id N        85.36     47
      S        92.06     53 1/2
Edge Pt       109.12     70 3/4
EHd Harb       90.17     52
Rk off Id      113.33    75
N pt " [[ditto for: Id]]  120.80    82
W " " [[dittos for: pt Id]] 127.05    88 1/2
N W Mitroph    150.00    91 1/2
S pk.          157.43    99 
N pk.          184.10   146
N E [[Mili]]    98.47    60 1/2
[[Ast?]] Δ     118.25   S260
[[line across entire page]]

1st pt Δ  2nd Pt ESE  3rd SSE
Δ on beach SW by S  end beach S by W
               [[Inner?]] rks NW by W

[[image - small drawing]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[image - page is filled with hand drawn sketches of several landscape views. Second from top/bound edge of page is marked with a triangle, and compass directions ESE and SSE]]