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and apparently no hidden dangers

Dolgoi high except in middle, water deep close in, no dangers visible.

Goloy high & capes bold except West Cape which makes off in a sand spit with 15-17 fms gray sand within 1/4 mile

Outer Iliaksik, two considerable mts connected by high land, south end tapering down a considerable distance
The north side more bold except in the strait where is a sand beach
The islets to E ward of this Id are low with a reef surrounding them. When bearing SSW true they are all in a line

Inner Iliaksik or Iliasik also composed of two mts. connected by low land. The south part is the bigger and higher the S cape high & bluff, the N end slopes down. off the adjacent ends of the 2 Iliasiks are some rocks, one below water on each side but they break except in dead calm.
Good [[anchor symbol]] in strait, gray sand.
From N end of Inner Iliaksik a long reef extends nearly to the main land with 6 ft [[out it? until?]] & a passage close to the main with 10 ft at low water
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Transcription Notes:
Geographic names checked/verified: Dolgoi, Goloy, Inner Iliaksik, Inner Iliasik, Iliasiks