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At 2:30 P.M met [[underlined]] Frank Dyer, Kirk Brown and Aylsworth [[/underlined]] with Hasslacher. Dubois and myself agreed substantially in everything except on amount of royalty. - Rainy weather went to Astor Hotel to meet [[underlined]] Kuhneman [[/underlined]]. met also one of his pupils Dr. H. [[Kopey?]] german exchange from Penn, took them both to University Club for supper then afterwards went to Kuhnemans lecture on Tolstoi at Public School E.57 Str.  Spare attendance.  Two Russians discussing lecture.
Dec. 19.  At 11 A.M. went to
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fetch [[underlined] Kuhneman [[/underlined]] and brought him here for lunch.  Remained here till 6 P.M when we all drove him to Astor.  Rain first then clear and cold.
Dec 20.  Home all day. Mild clear weather.
Dec 21.  Here all day. [[underlined]] Coal cellar finished.[[/underlined]] Toch here this afternoon.  [[underlined]] [[Brainche?]] boys here since yesterday.  Went with Toch to annual [[underlined]] meeting Chemists Club [[/underlined]].  I had urged my friends to vote against proposed Article 7.  Chute told me cards had been stacked against me.  Not withstanding that when
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