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Dec 25. (Christmas)
[[in margin]] 1912 [[/in margin]  All up early this morning to see [[underlined]] George [[/underlined]] off ^for Adirondacks^.  He left with [[underlined]] motor car [[/underlined]] before 7 AM.  Took his snowshoes along Put pair gloves in [[underlined]] Nina's [[/underlined]] Christmas stocking.  She seems very happy.
Remained home all day.
Dec 26. Busy here all day. Evening [[underlined]] Nina [[/underlined]]
gave a party to young people about 30 in all. Games. Then supper and dancing till 1 AM.  Much too late.  [[underlined]] Youngsters playing at [[/underlined]] "grownups". [[underlined]] George [[/underlined]] much smarter and steadier.  [[strikethrough]] than [[/strikethrough]]  Racket kept up till [[underlined]] past one [[/underlined]].  Poor sleep.
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Dec 27.  [[underlined]] George [[/underlined]] wired for his films & camera and skates.  Bought them in New York and expressed them.  At 2 P.M. conference with [[underlined]] May, Dubois, Rossi and Swan about business policy for next future.[[/underlined]]  
Met [[underlined]] Celine [[/underlined]] at [[underlined]] Mrs. Loeb [[/underlined]] at 5 P.M. She seemed self possessed but undoubtedly still much downcast.over death of her husband  Met Felix [[underlined]] Warburg [[/underlined]] and his daughter [[underlined]] Carola [[/underlined] and his son there.
Dec 28.  Home all day quiet day.  Took it easy and restful.  Sales are keeping up well.
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