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me that if we did not soon sue him for infringement he would sue us for threatening his clients. I told him there was little danger of that and that paper would be filed before long. He was in his racing motor car in which he has been arrested twice in succession and seemed in a somewhat abnormal state of mind ^[[Drunk?]] Celine telephoned there is a Trolley Car strike I went to listen to a new Operetta called Eve. A rather incongruous and boresome affair. Coming home found
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letters of both my sisters telling that eldest daughter of [[underline]] Leonie [[/underline]] is ill and asked for funds which I intend to send to morrow.
Jan. 3. No news from [[underline]] George [[/underline]] Very stormy windy weather. Trolley car strike still on. Lent funds to my sister and wrote letter
Received 10 sets of Bakelite [[underline]] Billard balls. [[/underline]] Dictated [[strikethrough]] Jan 4. [[/strikethrough]] belated letters
Jan 4. Left here early at 7 AM with motor car to see Townsend off on the [[underline]] S. S. George Washington [[//underline]] Met [[underline]] Alfred F. Seligsberg [[/underline]] there and took him back to his office after driving Mrs. Townsend and her boy