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Feb 6. My bath is at 7:40 and this is the time for getting out of bed. Altho' I lie awake much earlier. Fine rest again. Finished reading report of [[on?]] Patent Office of Efficency commission

Feb 7. Weather much rougher considerable rolling and strong winds. Day spent reading and writing.

Feb 8. Rough weather. Good rest. Busy writing all forenoon.

Feb 9. (Sunday) Awakened by church music. Weather [[strikethrough]] more than [[/strikethrough]] not so rough. Temperature still mild. Tambola to the benefit of Sailor's fund.
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tonight after 10 P.M
got following marconigram from [[underline]] Lebach [[/underline]] "Stop if possible day London Aylsworth matter wire Lebach red guantlet London." to which I answered: "Lebach Redgauntlet London Slakest galimart London versera admunitum Berlin thirkenth headship then mandobre Berlin" which translated: I [[underline]] cannot stop I can go London for the homeward voyage will most likely arrive [[/underline]] Berlin thirteenth. Are you in a great hurry. Then endeavor