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and said to contain each about $100.000 each

Feb 11. Very smooth water in the North Sea but damp and chilly. and somewhat foggy. Foghorn blowing regularly. Almost all passengers have left except very few. and ship appears empty ... Speed less. No hope of arriving to night. Dropped anchor in the Weser. Fearful racket on deck all night, dropping and weighing anchor and running about of crew. Practically no sleep. [[strikethrough]] Got no [[/strikethrough]]

Feb. 12. Got awakened early about 5:30 A.M. Usual distribution of tips. Ship
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is alongside dock. It is still dark. 7.A.M. Customs enumeration easy. Had [[striketrhough]] all [[/strikethrough]] a large amount of sample objects of Bakelite pipes etc but were not observed. Walked through quaint streets of [[underline]] Bremen. then got [[strikethrough]] check [[/strikethrough]] ^[[money order]] 100 [[frcs?]] for mother and cashed some german money. Went to [[underline]] Rathskeller [[/underline]] for lunch. bottle of best [[strikethrough]] g [[/strikethrough]] Rhine wine I ever tasted. Took carriage and drove around town for awhile. Then went for a walk; took train Berlin 3:50 arrived Berlin after nine. Went to [[underline]] Kaiserhof hotel [[/underline]] Found all hotels very full on account of several important meetings

[[written vertically in margin]] Wintel Inchsberger Berte Austece 1893. 18 ml a bottle This was the name of that wine [[/margin]]