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altho' [[underline]] Meffert [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Ephraim [[/underline]] make it appear as if it were complicated. Afterwards met [[underline]] Sauer [[/underline]] at his store went with him to Langwitz to his house where his wife and sister (the latter 70 years but full of life received us very cordially) pleasant agreeable evening. Left there about midnight. 

Feb 25. Up early writing letters all morning at 11. A M came [[underline]] Dr. [[Sarwinter?]] [[/underline]] to talk over patent situation Meyrowski Beutler etc. etc
Remained till 1 P.M then I had here for dinner
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Weger, Jaeger, Nurnberger and ingenieur Finkbein all of [[underline]] Siemens Schüchert. [[/underline]] Spent all afternoon in my room going with them over every detail of wood flour mixtures, [[strikethrough]] proper [[/strikethrough]] composite card board [[strikethrough]] uses [[/strikethrough]] impregnation of coils [[strikethrough]] composite [[/strikethrough]] cold pressed mixtures etc etc. Interrupted frequently by telephone calls. Very pleasant meeting; all seem much interested and seem eager to use bakelite for several new purposes Evening [[underline]] Direcctor Von Eichin [[/underline]] invited me to a very elaborate dinner with [[underline]] Fessel, Fenerlein Jaeger [[/underline]] and another director abundance of the most expensive wines and great informal