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building all departments [[underline]] Gehemerat Nettel an Austrian [[/underline]] who at one time was engaged as engineer in american pulp mills examiner of electro chemistry. - Intelligent looking man good impression showed me [[finding?]] sets but did not let them go out of his hands. Then met a certain [[underline]] Gehemrat Hufner [[/underline]] who is Rechtsanwalt and seems to be an important man Dark haired and yellow complexion had general chat about patent situation in America and Germany. Everything clean, quiet and orderly and [[underline]] plenty [[/underline]] of room in contradistinction of Washington. Fine well arranged library.
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Left at 2:30 P.M. then drove to Töpfer for lunch.
[[underline]] March 2. Sunday [[/underline]] At 12 at Kaiserhof hotel had visit of Miss Dr Heirnan, just graduated in chemistry and who had been recommended to me by Dr. Saberski
Intelligent looking girl who desires to find position in U.S. Kept talking with her in lobby of hotel for about 30 minutes advised her to get recommendation of her professors and to apply to Washington
Spent remaining time examining my ^new^ contracts. Then took lunch alone at Pschorr. went for long walk all afternoon. Rag time music everywhere. [[underline]] Women smoking cigarettes everywhere in all public places and hotels and restaurants [[/underline]]
Drones and mobs everywhere Theaters all dirty badly