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kept, badly ventilated smell bad and horribly dangerous ^for fire^ clogged up by vertiane and [[ushers?]] women etc. about same style as that German theatre at Irving Place in New York.
I notice that my [[underline]] linen on the bed of the hotel is only renewed once a week! [[/underline and vertical red line in margin]] and that at american prices! [[/underline and vertical line]]
March 3 Went again to try my suit. They have reconstructed it entirely and now seems to fit but price is about the sameas I would pay in N.Y
At 1:11 P.M to Echner, spent there afternoon till 6 P.M with Weger going over several questions. Bought watches for Weger's [[strikethrough]] children [[/strikethrough]] girls and one for boy and fountain pen for the other boy.
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March 4. Went to [[underline]] Justizrath Ahleman [[/underline]] with [[underline]] Moser to sign assignment of patents which costs several hundred marks for stamps alone. [[/underline]] Lunch Samanter Afternoon meeting with [[underline]] Ephraim [[/underline]] conference. We went to buy nine umbellas at Remak about 200 mk.!
Evening at 7 P.M went to University Berlin heard lecture of [[underline]] Köbner [[/underline]] on Kolonialpolitik etc. Rather monotonous and indistinct delivery. met Dr. [[underline]] Oscar Blank [[/underline]] there who was in evening suit and seems to lead life of student since he has sold out. After lecture had some talk with [underline]] Köbner [[/underline]] in his office. Then went to see at Neues Theater a comedy: "Professor Bernhaute" a long drawn out story of all