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[[upper left corner]] 140
Cowboys, indians etc.  final scene of chasm seemed to have been performed on the Palisades of the Hudson. _ evening supper at [[underlined]] Dr. Dubois.[[/underlined]]  Pretty appartement well furnished.  His wife seems serious and made good impression.  Pleasant chat then home.
March 9.  Up at 9 AM. writing letters. 
(Sunday) Lunch at [[underlined]] Fade's house. [[/underlined]] West End Strasse his wife children and sister in law.  [[underlined]] Eats and eats and drinks and drinks like usually.  Dubois came after dinner to take me around in closed brougham thru park etc.  afterwards we all went with Fade's to see Majolica at theater.  I had seen it in
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Berlin then we went all to restaurant of Carlton hotel  [[underlined]] Fade' [[/underlined]] always with his bag on which he puts his legs!  Then after the two heavy meals of the day [[underlined]] Fade' ordered Lobster! [[/underlined]] and ate quite much of it!   Officer and officers everywhere in evidence [[underline]] in all their glory and importance spending money as if there was no limit to it!  Brainless fools. [[/underlined]] 
[[ to the left of the word Brainless in the margin, written vertically]] Germany 1913 [[in left margin]]
[[strikethrough]] unable [[strikethrough]] most of them.  In America officers study and have serious studies equivalent [[ in left margin, a vertical red line, starting from the word equivalent down to the word Europe]]to that of engineers.  In Europe whoever is too stupid to study at the University becomes officers.  These are the people who are supposed to have brains enough to conduct, submissive, obedient soldiers in war!  What saves them is that all armies in Europe are equipped in the same way.