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expert and Reichanwalt Hearty welcome went all to Casino, emptied a bottle of Rhinewine conversation turned on [[underline]] Schweitzer, [[/underline]] he had scant friends there specially in Julius or [[underline]] Benthsen. [[/underline]] Spoke about patent reform patent law Drove back to Mannheim with [[underline]] Bernthsen [[/underline]] in auto then later met Vieth who took me to a restaurant where we were joined by Mr. [[/underline]] Dege [[/underine]] and his future son in law Captain ? a short individual but undoubdetly more witty and better posted than most officers. Both spoke excellent english and seemed eagerly interested about things american, [[strikethrough]] my son [[/strikethrough]] etc. etc.
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[[underline]] March 11 [[/underline]]
Good bath room to my hotel in Park Hotel but sleeping room not so cheerful as might be if red coverings and dark upholstery had been left out. - Charges only 10 mk. Up at 8AM walked around Manheim. Seems prosperous modern city well planned altho' somewhat stiff. Fine substantial bdgs. Strange pettiness of [[strikethrough]] barbed [[/strikethrough]] ugly barbed wire fence above walls of [[strikethrough]] garden around [[/strikethrough]] steel gratings of garden in houses otherwise artistically [[red vertical line in left margin next to following three lines]] designed. Petty egotism and fear Took lunch in a restaurant with live fish swimming around in a fountain tank.  Took train early afternoon for Cologne 1st class coupe met a young ^Dutchman^ Johannes Elias.
[[Two vertical lines, one black, one red to left of paragraph below]]
To the castles of the rhine which proclaim the pettiness of former Germany have succeeded the numerous chimneys of industrial works