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Notebook No. 1
W. H. Dall, Act'g. Asst. U.S. C & G. Survey
In charge Schr. Yukon.

[[line]] Thursday May 13, 1880 [[line]]
San Francisco, Cal.  Weigh Anchor at 2 P.M. of this day and at 2.30 begin the voyage to Sitka Alaska Terr., beating down the Bay and out to sea.  Weather fine and a fresh N.W. breeze.  At 5.30 P.M. cross the bar and at 8 P.M. Farallone Light bears W.N.W. 8 miles from which departure is taken and meteorological observations begun.

[[page includes tables with 5 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings:]]
Time   |   Bar.  |   Ther.  |  Water  |  Wind
9 P.M. |   30.08 |  56 °    |    51°  |    NW.
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]| 30.08  |  57  50 | NW.

[[line]] Friday May 14th [[line]]

4 A.M  |  30.10  |  50     |   54    |    NW
8 " [[ditto for: A.M.]]| .15 |   53 |  54 | " [[ditto for: NW]]
12 M  | .15  |  53  |   54  |  " [[ditto for: NW]]
4 PM  | .09  |  53  | 55    | " [[ditto for: NW]]
8 " [[ditto for: PM]]| .09 |  51  | 53   " [[ditto for: NW]]
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]| .10 | 51 |  53 |  W.NW.
A.M. Wind moderating, some sea on, cloudy. P.M. nearly clear, all sail set. Later Wind died out.


Transcription Notes:
Schr. = abbreviation for schooner. U.S. C & G is correct = U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey Here's how: If you would like to make the ° symbol when typing, you can use these methods: On PCs - hold down the Alt key and on the numeric keypad on the right of the keyboard, type 0176, or Alt+ 248 When you release the Alt Key, a ° should be there. On Macs - option shift 8.