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stores small restaurants etc. have been added since our visit in 1874. A mission church & school [[strikethrough]] have been [[/strikethrough]] are flourishing while the attendance at the Russian Greek church is small. Much attention is now paid to vegetable gardening and with great success. Potatoes, cabbages, cauliflowers turnips & radishis are confidently asserted to attain a size and quality equal to any imported by steamer. Peas, lettuce, pie plant &c are also raised. The Indians plant patches of ground with seed potatoes [[strikethrough]] and[[/strikethrough]] on the adjacent islands, and leaving them to nature in due time reap an abundant harvest. This subject, the products resources and advantages of this territory of Alaska might be ^ [[insertion]] enlarged upon & [[/insertion]] presented in a manner convincing to all except those who "convinced against their will" remain "of the same opinion still." The population of Sitka as appears by the census taken in April of this year by order of Commander Beardslee was 
Indians, of whom two hundred were men and, comprised within two principle families or tribes with some scattering             500 
[[end page]]

[[start page]] 
whites, of whom nearly one quarter were United States citizens, over one quarter naturalized and the remainder citizens under the treaty          453
The above figures are considerably reduced by the summer exodus of the mining element and of the Indians to pursue their annual hunting and fishing along the coast.
In the morning Col. M. D. Ball Collector of Customs came on board.

[[/line]]Sunday May 30th/80[[line]]

[[page includes tables with 5 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings:]]
Time.  | Barom.  | Air | Water | Wind
6 A.M. | 30.20   | 45  |  47   | Calm
12 M.  |  .14    | 48  |  48   |  NE
6 P.M. |  .10    | 57  |  49   | " [[ditto for: NE]]
A.M. overcast, P.M. some rain. The commander and other officers of the Jamestown come on board.

[[/line]]Monday May 31st[[line]]
6 A.M. | 30.08  | 48  | 48  | Calm
12 M   | 29.86  | 50  | 49  | E
6 P.M. |   .64  | 49  | 48  | " [[ditto for: E]]
A.M. cloudy & cool. P.M. rain at times. The boats are put in order for their respective uses. The small trading steamer

Transcription Notes:
See pp. 5 & 7 for how to transcribe dittos, suggestions on tables. & substituted for +, when + used to mean "and"