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Favorite, Capt. Keen, of Portland, arrived and anchored in the Western anchorage. Reported the Jamestown launch as forty miles this side of Chilkaht River a week ago, bound up and all well. Drew large seine in the lake for trout with poor success being just the commencement of the season. Small messes are caught with a hook.

[[line]] Tuesday, June 1st/80 [[line]]

[[page includes tables with 5 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings:]]
Time   | Barom. | Air. | Water. | Wind.
6 A.M. | 29.64  | 46   | 47     | Variable
12 M.  |   .69  | 50   | 48     | " [[ditto for: Variable]]
6 P.M. |  .70   | 50   | 48     | " [[ditto for: Variable]]

Cloudy with light rain at times sunset nearly clear

[[line]]Wednesday June 2nd[[line]]

6 A.M. | 29.96  | 56  | 48  | SW
12 M.  | 30.06  | 61  | 50  | " [[ditto for: SW]]
6 P.M. | 30.12  | 53  | 49  | " [[ditto for: SW]]

Clear & warm clouding up toward evening. Took the cutter and went to Hunter's Point 6 miles northerly where is situated the salmon cannery of the Cutting Packing Co. of San Francisco. Indians principally are employed. This is the site of Old Sitka where, seventy eight years ago the Russian settlers to the number of about forty were massacred by Indians, only three or four escaping in boats to Kadiak. About fifty natives are settled here when not off hunting &c. 
[[end page]]
[[start page]] 

[[line]]Thursday June 3rd, 1880.[[line]]

[[page includes tables with 5 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings:]]
Time.  | Barom. | Air. | Water. | Wind.
6 A.M. | 30.12  | 47   |  47    | NW
12 M.  |   .09  | 50   |  49    | " [[ditto for: NW]]
6 P.M. |   .06  | 52   |  50    | S

A.M. cloudy nearly calm. Remainder clear & pleasant. Filled water from Indian River.

[[line]]Friday June 4th[[line]]

6 A.M. | 29.94  | 47   | 48    | SE.
12 M.  |   .92  | 50   | 50    | E.
6 P.M. |   .92  | 48   | 50    | SE.

All day cloudy with frequent rainfalls Went to Japonski Island opposite the Indian Village and near the old Russian Observatory and set posts solid in the ground to be used as bases for tripod & basin of mercury for astronomical station.

[[line]] Saturday June 5 [[line]]

6 A.M. | 30.06  | 44  |  48  |  SE.
12 M.  |   .16  | 47  |  49  |  N.
6 P.M. |   .14  | 51  |  49  |  SW.

Early A.M. cloudy. Remainder of day partly clear & mild. In company with officers of U.S.S. Jamestown, in a steamlaunch, went to the Hot Springs, 18 miles distant in a SE direction on Baranoff Id. Within 100 ft more or less, of one another and

Transcription Notes:
See pp. 5 & 7 for how to transcribe dittos, suggestions on tables. & substituted for +, when + signifies "and"