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flowing from the same side-hill are hot springs one each of magnesia 136° sulphur 149° and iron 149°, those properties predominating, of about the same temperature at their mouths being too hot to bear the hand in.
These are said to be very efficacious in the cure of certain diseases and have been resorted to by Russians & Indians for many years. Obtained samples of water and deposits. A small settlement of Russians was destroyed many years ago and the people massacred by Indians. Returning, visited the Redoubt, eleven miles SE. from Sitka on the same island. Here are fifteen large log houses and a small Russo-Greek Church. Formerly occupied by Russians and quite a flourishing place. There are extensive dams and traps for catching salmon which are found in great abundance and of large size. Though dilapidated the traps are still used. The Bay at the head of which the Redoubt is situated, is long and narrow and, on one side, the mountains are nearly perpendicular from the water's edge, making it very picturesque; a lake extending back 
[[end page]]
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from the dam about 13 miles long, adds to the beauties of the place.
At 8 P.M. Mr. Marcus Baker arrived from the Chilkhat country and took charge of the party.

[[line]]Sunday June 6/80[[line]]

[[page includes tables with 5 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings:]]
Time   | Barom  | Air  | Water | Wind.
6 A.M. | 29.92  | 44   |  46   | Calm
12 M.  |   .90  | 54   |  50   | SW.
6 P.M. |   .84  | 49   |  50   | N.
Overcast & mild nearly all day.

[[line]]Monday June 7th[[line]]
6 A.M. | 29.76  | 45  | 47  |  N
12 M.  |   .76  | 48  | 49  |  " [[ditto for: N]]
6 P.M. |   .80  | 47  | 48  |  W.
This day heavily clouded & cool.
At 11 A.M. the steamer California arrived from Portland, Oregon, and way ports & Mr. Wm. H. Dall came on board and took charge of the party.

[[line across page]]

The notebook up to this point was kept by Mr. Wm. M. Noyes. Mr. Baker's notes are in a separate notebook. Mr. Dall's follow, copied from his rough notebook.

Transcription Notes:
See pp. 5 & 7 for how to transcribe dittos, suggestions on tables. & substituted for +, when + used to indicate "and".