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from Queen Charlotte Sound running 1 to 2 knots per hour.
Fisherman's Cove near Grenville Channel has no room except for a small boat. A 70 ton schooner anchored in 20 fms tails on to the beach according to Capt. George.

[[line]]Saturday June 5/80[[line]]
Most of the morning rather foggy. The tides today appeared to meet in Grenville Channel about where 126 fathoms is marked on the Br. Adm. chart near Bare Hill. Turtle Pt. Gil Id. has no very marked hill on it. A good deal of dead timber and more low and level land than noticed heretofore was seen near the entrance from Wright Sound, especially on the south side.
Bare Hill is merely the long spur of a higher one W. from it which is wooded. There are several good beaches and camping places between here and Wright Sound on the southern side. The mountains back from the shore, inside of the first range are often perfectly bare rock. The rock appears to be the same from Cape Calvert up to this vicinity as far as could be seen.
Near Nabannah Bay on the southern shore 
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(nearly opposite "58 fathoms") is a fine waterfall and an eighth of a mile [strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] westward from it, a small knob [[image - small drawing of shoreline knob]] puts out, not marked on the charts. Shortly after passing this point the rocks appear to change and resemble clay porphyry in appearance.
Beyond Klewnuggit the northern shore (especially) become lower. 
A. rocky mountain goat was seen on the face of a precipitous cliff. 
There is a breaker one mile south of "l" in "plan" (see title on Brown Passage Br. Adm. Ch. 1923A).
Sparrowhawk Rock has 12 feet on it at low water with 22 feet rise & fall of tide. [[blue pencil line mark]]
Capt. George in a heavy S.E. gale saw a breaker 3/4 of a mile broad off Cape Elisabeth. (See Rough notebook for view of Safely Cove and Cape Calvert).

[[line]]Sunday June 6/80[[line]]
Coming from Hecate Strait for Clarence Str. Tongass Mountain at the S. end of Gravina Island is very prominent and a good mark.
The land of the Gravina Group is very high (3000-4000 ft) to the westward.

Transcription Notes:
Capt. George is correct. It's a fancy capital C.